test Stats - Billinkoff Vasectomy Centre
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Vasectomy Statistics for Manitoba

According to statistics from Manitoba Health, Dr. Billinkoff performed over 60% of all the vasectomies done in Manitoba in 2013 and 2014. Here are some other interesting vasectomy statistics from Manitoba Health;

    2013 2014
The total number done in Manitoba - 2029 2412
The total number done by Dr. Billinkoff - 1219 1510
The number done by the second busiest MD - 112 130
The number of MDs performing vasectomies - 97 101

*Statistics provided by Manitoba Health represent all vasectomy services in 2013 and 2014 that were performed in Manitoba and were billed to Manitoba Health. These may include patients from other provinces who had their vasectomies done in Manitoba. It does not include patients who had vasectomies that were NOT billed to Manitoba Health, such as a member of the Department of National Defense.

After 2014 Manitoba Health no longer provides similar data for subsequent years.