- Shave the entire scrotum (sac) before you come in. Make sure that no hair is hanging down over the sac from above. A disposable razor with or without shaving cream works well. Some patients find it easiest shaving in the shower.
- Wear a t-shirt, loose pants and tight underwear or a scrotal support to the office.
- Have breakfast or lunch before you come in. Some patients feel faint on an empty stomach.
- Please arrive on time!! Plan to arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment.
- You should be able to drive yourself home. You may choose to have someone drive you, especially if you have a history of feeling queezy or faint with medical or dental procedures. Plan to be in the office for less than one hour. The surgery itself only takes 10 minutes.
- Don’t plan to return to work that day. Plan to go home, put your feet up and apply ice. Have some Advil or Aleve available.
- Avoid Aspirin (ASA) or other blood thinners such as Coumadin for 1 week prior to your surgery.
- You may use your mobile device to amuse yourself during the procedure. Being entertained is an excellent distraction! Ear buds are recommended.
- Review Risks and Complications